Thursday 2 April 2015

DIARY OF SLIM: “The Adventures of Silly Slim” (Season 1, Episode 1)

It’z Maria Kimberly May May Messaged you on facebook

The way I danced around my phone before I read the message, you would think my stiiiiiiingy uncles finally sent me money. And then I opened the message and Oh My God! Not again :'( I hate girls! They can lie :'( Ok let me tell you the whole story….

I have more friend requests on facebook than the amount of money in my bank account- say 1200 requests. From guys. From ugly guys with ugly names.

Then one sunday morning I received a request from this God-sent name- “It’z Maria Kimberly May-May” (I had believed that God rewarded me for allowing the jehovah witness people inside my room the previous night).

I accepted the request so hard that I mistakenly accepted another person’s (Asipita Mukaila Abdulmummuni) request too :v .

So I checked her profile:
Location- Liverpool, England.
Languages- English, French, Italian, British English, Yoruba.

“Ah! I don find janded chic”, I grinned to myself.
So she messaged first! God was really happy with me! I didn’t even quickly open the message, u know how u wanna eat the best food last at christmas.

No so I open the message o….

“Slim abeg light dey house?”

“What? Who are u???”

Na me na, Shefiat, ur neighbour“.

Jesus! Giiiirls! So I decided to pay her back.

My name Is Victor Daniel of St. Angels avenue, 1135 Holloway, London. I’ve never heard of Shefiat in my life and I live in a mansion, we don’t have neighbours -_- Ok bye.

Blocks her! Ok bye.


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