Thursday 27 November 2014

Just How Dirty Is Your Mind......

Naughty Minnie
Mistakes happen, but Disney has to be doing this on purpose

Hairy Pits
Hairy armpits look disturbingly close to a private part of female anatomy.

Sleeping Baby
You'll feel really dirty after you find out this is simply a sleeping baby's eye.

Two Girls One Seat
This picture looks really dirty until you realize that both girls are sitting sideways on that stool.

Butt Selfie
This poor girl has the worst (or best) timing ever! Even though it's just an arm, it's a pretty convincing rear end at a glance .
Paper Curves
Isn't it amazing the dirty thoughts that a simple blank piece of paper can conjure up?
Wild Party Guest
I'm pretty sure that's actually the arm of the woman in front of her, unless she makes a habit of going to parties and taking off her clothes!
Mating Trees
So that's how trees reproduce!
Dirty Lamp
These optical illusion pictures prove that every single one of us has a dirty mind. Yes, even you!
Take this picture of a perfectly innocent lamp. What did you think it was?
Phallic Puppy
This poor dog will forever be known as the puppy that everyone thought was a penis!
Womanly Arms
That guy should be proud of his sexy arms
Source -

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