Monday, 2 February 2015

DREAMS: Dreams Are Rough Sketches Of Reality - Princess Mercy Yusuf

Dream is a succession of images, thoughts or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. It is also an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake. To think or conceive something in a very remote way is Dream.

Dreams are visions of things actually transpiring on an ultraundane plane where persons are not bound to bodies or events to specific moments and places, this plane is indistinguishable from that of the gods or God and therefore dreams are considered as communications.

They are regarded as Omens {good or bad} or presages and are best understood by visionaries I.e prophemantics e.t.c. People with such gifts who in their supra sensory states are in rapport with the divine dimensions.

Dreams are usually symbolic and their interpretation revolves around unraveling of their images. Dreams should not be mistaken as VISIONS since they are not the same thing. While visions can take place any time: whether asleep or awake, dreams only occurs when asleep.

The rules of reality does not really apply to dreams. Dreams are unique cause no other individual can have ur emotions, experiences, personal background e.t.c.... thus your dreams are only connected to your own reality.
Dreams provides insights into your own self and a means for further self exploration cause dreams has the power to unify body, mind and spirit if well understood.

Dreams how ever can be as a result of ones thought and that's why some people talk of day dreaming but then, it can appear to be very real I.e you can wake up scared, happy, sad, mad, e.t.c but after a while, you realize it was just a dream and you are back to normalcy. Sometimes you dream of eating but when you wake up you are still hungry...

In reality, dreams are caused by multitude of biz or works physical, emotional or mental business because though you are asleep, your body rest but your mind keep working and thinking.

Therefore in our mental and human worlds, OUR THOUGHTS CONTROLS OUR DREAMS but however in the spiritual world, dreams are rough sketches of reality I.e God can and will allow people to have dreams that could turn them to him or show them the right path to follow or show us a warning against an impending danger.

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