Tuesday, 28 April 2015

3 major reasons why you stay depressed for a long time

Millions suffer everyday from depression which isn't caused by any external factor but lack of personal growth.

It is a very tough thing to overcome and most times require the help of a therapist or medication.

But to snap out of that depression there are some things you need to do for yourself to be better.

Krystal Crossman of Healthy Black Woman lists three major reasons why people suffer from depression:

1. Putting off exercise: When you are feeling down obviously the last thing that you probably want to do is get out there and go for a jog. But it is the thing that you should be doing to help your mood. Not only are you maintaining your health by continuing to exercise but you are releasing endorphins which can lift your mood significantly. If you sit around all day and do nothing you will feel worse day by day. You don’t have to do anything strenuous, even just a short walk will do. But you need to get up and move every day.

2. Negativity: When you are at a low point you may sit and think to yourself that you are never going to get out of this depression so why even bother trying. Negative thoughts like this will only make you feel hopeless and even more depressed. Think about turning phrases such as: “I’m struggling and can’t do anything about it” into “I’m struggling but I know this isn’t who I am.” The more you stay away from negative thoughts the easier it will be for you to help your mood.

3. Love: If you push away anyone who cares about you while you are depressed you are going to have a tough time getting better. People who love and care about you should always be around to help you to get through tough times. You need support in your life. Having someone that cares about you when you hit a low point is one of the most valuable things that you can have because they will help lift you up and help you to see that you are worth much more than you may think you are.

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