Thursday, 9 February 2017

See The provoking Post The Outgoing Kogi State University SUG P.R.O Cosmos Ogiri Shared About Ksu ASUU Strike

This is what the Outgoing Ksu SUG p.r.o Cosmos posted on his Facebook timeline some days back about ksu ASUU strike

Read below
“It's now that KSU students will know the Value of Phillips Omepa and Hadi (NAKOSS president).
Risk our life, the hope of our parents, our dignity and career to stand on a high way six to six fighting for the students right to education only to come back home with the feelings of an hero but to hear same students we fought for call us weaklings, that it was NANS that led the protest.
Our glory was sold to NANS.
We where called rogues and kidnappers by the media believed to be that of the Executive Governor of Kogi State.
I see the SUG president seriously putting the excos together after months of neglect.
I see the SUG president having the sympathy of the students by heart again.
But read my graduation speech, nothing again will make me repeat such event again in my life.
Not for Kogi State University students again.
Let's wait for NANS to come and do it again. Mhew!!!
I hail all the comrades who came out like me, risk their life in that dreaded road admist all threats, Aluta Continua Victoria Acerta.
We shall meet again in a greater struggle"

Is he right??