Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Resigned SUG PRO Cosmos Ogiri Publicly Apologizes To Philips Omepa For Calling Him Out

My apologies to Omepa Philips Shaibu.

All of us have been through times where we had a disagreement with someone. In many cases we are able to resolve our differences and continue with a normal relationship. In others, we made the best of the situation and tried to forget about it. However, sometimes the disagreement was never resolved and everyone involved went their separate ways being bitter and without reconciling their differences. For this reason, I have tried to reach Omepa Philips Shaibu -sent him a message on facebook that I am sorry the way political interest have really turned us into emergency comrades.

I am neither doing this in restoration of friendly relations nor action of making my view or belief compatible with Omepa Philips but for clarifications that I owe no personal grudge against him as a person but for the allegations and his misdoing that I am a witness to. Today I choose to use the word allegations even when the parliament has investigated him, found him guilty and impeached him accordingly because the school management has giving him another two days to defend himself and respond to the allegations against him.

I owe Omepa Philips this apology, because I have no personal grudge against but for the Students Union Government which out of anger of the way he ran the administration I resigned.

Matthew 5:21-25 where we are told that if we have an unresolved disagreement with someone that we should resolve it as soon as possible, even before we go to church again. This is reinforced in Hosea 6:6, Matthew 6:6, and Matthew 12:7 where Jesus told us that restoring relationships are more important than religious practices. Philip Omepa Shaibu, I am sorry for calling you out, am sorry for making you feel less than you really are, am sorry for everything - I take responsibility for it all. We where all fighting for the students but though with different ideology and means. I was so angered that your means of attaining the best of the students is not working even after a full tenure.

Finally, just like my Bible teach me that reconciliation means that we must be willing to ask for forgiveness and forgive if asked (Matthew 18:21-35), I am making this public apology after writing to you for forgiveness that I am truly sorry for I don't have any personal grudge against you at all.

It may seem as though I am to others, students alike but you know the truth that I have no interest other than the interest you and I sworn an oath to protect.

I want you to forgive me for the sake of Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

So we can Pay attention to ourselves as directed by Luke 17:3 that If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.

I am truly sorry Philip Omepa Shaibu.

Struggles Continue.

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