Saturday 14 February 2015

Does Your Ex Owe You Money?

A friend was telling me how she managed to get her money back from her ex-boyfriend after ages of delay. Let me start at the beginning.....

Girl meets boy, sparks fly, they date for a while. Boy asks for a loan, girl gives him the money with an agreement to pay back at a certain date. Deadline goes by, fast forward to a while later girl asks herself the 'He doesn't treat you badly, but does he treat you well enough question? Answer was glaring. Girl broke it off, time to get her money back and his stories could fill a book, she gives him more time but he always has a list of excuses as long as his arm.

Girl was clear out of ideas. As a last ditch effort she threatened to match over to his office bright and early the next day to announce at the top of her lungs how she was barely getting by, how she barely had two pennies to rub together, how her belly was sticking to her backbone for want of a good meal and so on. This had him running over, tail between legs to pay the 'gbese.'

Same girl met someone else later, three months
of friendship and dude was asking for a loan to
furnish his new apartment. Girl said a loud
'NO'! I have seen this same threat of office disgrace work like magic for someone else, so you might want to try it if you're finding it an uphill task getting your money back. Yes, I'll take my consulting fees now, cash please! Haha.

Do you have an oni gbese story to tell? Go ahead please, I'm all eyes.

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