Friday 5 May 2017

Immediate Past NANS/JCC Chairman Kogi State Says He Did Not Sign The Press Release To Resume School On 4th Of May [Read Here]

RE-Joint Press Release
My attention have been drawn to the falacious press release allegedly signed by me and some other individuals.
Note that I Comr. Chris Audam have handed over the mantle of leadership NANS JCC officially to Comr. Usman Huseini Atajah, it came to me as a supriserefutation to my name on this falacious press release.
I have biild a reputation over time and will guide it jealously, I shall not take it likely with anyone that involve me in this kind of scam hence forth, as I may take legal action against such a fellow.
It is a known fact that some of those names associated with this release are struggling to identify thier real status as students of the institution's they claim. Some are battling with reputation issue as they have sold the student struggle at many times.
I Comr. Chris Audam diassociate myself from this press statement as I am not aware are of it.

Comr.Chris Audam
Immediate past Chairman Nans JCC kogi state.

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