Saturday, 9 July 2016

Another Article On Relationship - The One Who Got Away

Let's look at it from two points of view- You are either the one who got away or someone got away from you.

Do you ever find yourself pondering about the one who got away? Do you ever feel like you could have done more or said more to make them stay? You ever get tempted to call the person and apologize? Do you regret how you treated the person? Do you sometimes wish you could turn back the hands of time but you can never admit that to anyone else but yourself.
Or you run into them every now and then and have to restrain yourself from grovelling. Do you stalk them on social media just to keep up with their lives despite the fact that it seems they have moved on. You ever accidentally hit the like button on one of their pictures and you want to slap yourself 'cause now they are gonna know you've been stalking them......hehehehehe

Or are you the one who got away? Was the person treating you badly or you just felt you should move on to a 'better' person. Were you in love or you just felt sorry for the person and stayed until you couldn't take it anymore. Are you glad you left? Or do you regret leaving?

I've been the one who got away a couple of times and I think I only regretted my decision once but for a really short while 'cause we tried to hook up again and it was certain the dude was still an asshole. I haven't exactly had ''the one who got away'' unless we are counting toasters then I've probably had a few that I've pondered what it would have been like if we had hooked up. Oh wait! I had a dude I dated once, broke it off over the phone while I was out of the country. He was begging me not to end things but I had to abeg. I felt bad for a while and actually called him after three years to apologize.

So have you ever found yourself on either side of the coin or maybe even both? If you have, what would you say to the person if you could?


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