Facts unexplainable.
The question is are we really getting the picture of the future this government is painting for us? Isn't it "pleasant"? lol.
This government does not have a tangible package to deliver. If higher institutions of learning in the state could be closed for this long then we're truly in a changed and new direction era.
I have refused to complain too much about the strike or call on the ASUU body to consider the students maybe because where two elephants fights it's the grasses under that'll suffer...what if my parents were victims.
You cannot hold the GYB for it all because he arrived on a platter of gold and never made any promises to anyone, being in the office for him is a child of circumstance and we are waiting for 2019. I am not surprised if I'll be forced to spend 10yrs to bag a degree certificate that is not capable of engaging me for a life time because I know how the Nigerian style of leadership works.
A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny! Which of course is the case in Kogi State and Nigeria at large. Our schools are closed and we dare not talk.
Anyigba Closed
Lokoja Closed
Ankpa Closed
Are we really tired of this annual epidemic anniversary that is killing our future? How do we describe the spirit of cowardness, weakness and fearness.
If the SUG is not playing its role as expected, how do we get across to the other side of the shore. We have to understand that the government is watering down the archaic and destitute education they are serving us but, we're just looking at ourselves like monkey and baboons.
Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life. If we're not ready to die for it, take the word 'resumption' out of our vocabulary.
The government of Nigeria is actively watering down the inferior quality of education available to us, they want to cow us, they want to keep us in perpetual darkness, they want to make us a generation that cannot speak in the face of oppression, they want to make us uneducated despite our BSc, B.A and MScs.
Fellow Nigerian students, an injury to one is an injury to all. The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. Let us all raise our voices until Kogi State higher institutions of learning are reopened. What's sause for the goose is for the gander. Least said soonest mended. We also deserve a substantial quality of education just like their children and not this substandard and antiquated something.
Little wonder why Nigeria is not developing because the mind has been shifted away from creating geniuses to creation of pedestal eventuality those we've been doing since 1960.
I'll shift my aggression away from the external bodies such as ASUU and GOVERNMENT to the so called students. We are the victims of the result here and we are not ready to die for what is our rights. Until we understand that the government is the most dangerous threat to man's rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims we will remain in this cocoon of indifference.
The ALUTA spirit has been sold for a stipend to fear. This government is always against any form of opposition by anybody which is hideous and shows the level of impunity in the state. LAUTECH students realized it was becoming an unbecoming only when they've spent about ten months at home and our case is mostly related here. Sen Dino Melaye addressed the striking conundrum in the plenary session but what has happened. Do we really believe that he's fighting for us? This little boy can never be fooled because "When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not Guilty'."
I stand to be the Martin Luther King, Kwame Nkruma, Julius Nyerere, Nelson Mandela, Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Kalu, Austin Okai of the great Kogi State University. I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. I can never be cowed. The moment schools as shut in the state, the progress and development of the state are down not just for the moment but, also time unknown.
Have you seen the picture of the Social Sciences Faculty that is in vogue on social media? I sometimes sit and ponder over my worst decision of choosing Kogi State University for study centre but, I believe that is a reason hidden from me by God.
Have you seen the picture of the Social Sciences Faculty that is in vogue on social media? I sometimes sit and ponder over my worst decision of choosing Kogi State University for study centre but, I believe that is a reason hidden from me by God.
This is what Wangari Mathai of Kenya said about leaders "Those of us who have been privileged to receive education, skills, and experiences and even power must be role models for the next generation of leadership" but the case here in Nigeria is contrary.
Leave the self centred government officials alone if you make peaceful revolution impossible you make violent revolution inevitable for a time is coming when Nigerians will have nothing left to eat but them. A time is coming when those of us they've refused to serve will be threats to their own children. A time is coming when there'll be armed rubbers among us that'll not allow them and their children to enjoy their loots. Most of all a time is coming when a son of nobody like me will hit the ground of the government house and mount the alter of leadership.