Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Monday, 16 May 2016

Health Tips for Heart, Mind, and Body

Unhealthy lifestyle. It's a common contributor of our biggest health problems: stroke, heart disease, diabetes, cancer. What do the nation's top physicians recommend to keep your heart, mind, and body in optimally good health?

For the secrets to a long healthy life, WebMD turned to Richard A. Lange, MD, chief of cardiology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His advice:

1. Daily exercise.
You brush your teeth every day; exercise is equally important for your daily routine. Turn off the TV or computer, and get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

To work your heart, it's got to be aerobic exercise. You've got lots of options: walking, jogging, biking, rowing machine, elliptical machine, swimming. But don't feel like you have to be an athlete. Walking is great exercise. Get 10 minutes here and there during the day. It all counts.

Start with something simple, like parking in the far corner of the parking lot so you get those extra steps to the door. Take the stairs one or two flights instead of the elevator. If you take public transportation, get off one stop early and walk the rest. Get out at lunch to walk. Or walk with your significant other or your spouse after work. You'll get a bonus -- relaxation and stress reduction.

2. Healthy diet.
Quit eating junk food and high-fat fast food. Your heart, brain, and overall health are harmed by foods high in saturated fats, salt, and cholesterol. There's no getting around it. You've got to replace them with healthy foods: lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, olive oil -- what we call the Mediterranean diet. Eat like an Italian, a Spaniard, a Greek! Enjoy!

3. Weight loss.
Too much body weight puts your health at great risk. When you take in more calories than you burn, you get fat -- it's that simple. You've got to eat less. You've got to exercise more. You've got to push yourself to make these lifestyle changes -- but you've got to do it to help avoid serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, or stroke.

4. Regular physical exams.
Tell your doctor your family medical history. Learn your personal risk factors, and the screening tests you need. Women may have mammograms to screen for breast cancer and Pap tests for cervical cancer. Men may have prostate cancer PSA tests. Routine screening for colorectal cancer should start at age 50, perhaps earlier if colon cancer runs in your family. You also need regular diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol tests. Make sure your immunizations are up to date. You may need flu and pneumonia shots, depending on your age.

5. Less stress.
When a person says they're too busy to exercise, it tells me other things are crowding out what's important in life: They don't spend time with family and friends; don't exercise enough; don't eat right; don't sleep properly. All these things reduce stress in your life, and that is critical to your health and longevity.

To be healthy, we need to set boundaries -- and set limits on work hours. We should not be working so hard that we're neglecting the things that keep us healthy. This is important advice, too, for people who take care of elderly parents or young children. Make sure you're getting proper exercise and sleep
and that you're not trying to do too much.
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Thursday, 26 March 2015

4 Reasons Why You Should Not Eat Bread

A lot of people love to eat bread on a daily basis, whether the sandwich way or just the usual way.

However, it is far from being the most healthy food you can have! Below are four reasons why you should stay away from bread.

1. It doesn’t have many nutrients:

Unlike other food items, bread, especially white bread and items made from it, lacks nutrients. You’re not getting any fibre, you’re not getting the wholesomeness of grains — you’re basically getting nothing important out of it. While bread made of wheat is a little better, if you’re looking for nutrients, bread made out of whole grains are what you must opt for.

2. It contains too much salt:

Most bread varieties, especially the processed kind that you buy from the supermarket, contain lots of salt. So if you eat less bread, the amount of sodium in your body is significantly reduced. Of course, one slice of bread, every now and then won’t do any damage. In fact, you can bake your own bread at home, without adding too much salt.

3. It makes you gain weight:

If you eat too much of bread, because of all the carbs, salt, refined sugar and preservatives that it contains, it can make you put on pounds! Eating it in moderation is fine; especially when you take the time to make sure it’s as healthy as possible.

4. It’s not a wholesome, filling meal

Since certain kinds of bread lack nutrients, when you eat them, you might not feel satiated, because it’s not filling!

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Friday, 20 February 2015

(Must Read) Dangers Of Drinking Cold Water

We all agree that nothing beats the sensation you get when you down a bottle of cold water or soda when you are hot. That chilling and refreshing sensation could akin to seeing a river in a desert.

As rewarding as cold water can be, in hot weathers like ours, experts say that it comes with serious health consequences. They warn that one may need to hands off drinking cold water regularly due to its negative impact on the heart and the digestive system.

Consultant nutritionist, Dr. Tosin Akinsanya, says even though the body cannot have too much of water, it complains when it has too
much of cold water. According to the food and healthy living expert, cold water is at a temperature that contradicts the overall temperature within the body system.

Akinsanya says that normal body temperature of the body is between 34 and 37 oC while that of cold water is usually between zero and two degrees Celsius and this sudden change in temperature levels, which usually happens when we drink cold water, shocks the body, leading to chronic diseases in those who drink it over time.

“The body is made up of 70 per cent of warm water. Water is the most important fluid in the body because it is the medium blood uses. It is the medium which circulates nutrients around the body. If the 30 per cent we drink is against the normal temperature of the body, we see how hard it is for the body to make use of it. Cold water causes distress in the tissues and blood vessels.

“The body has to warm up the cold water you drink every time to an acceptable temperature before it can take it up for digestion, nutrient and blood circulation. That is why we advise people not, take drugs with cold water. The drugs will not digest on time; it means you won’t get the best of the drugs because the water did not dissolve on time.” Family health physician and author of Ten Habits To Drop Right Now, Dr. Vasant Lad, adds that drinking cold water after a meal has adverse effects on the digestive system. Lad also warns against drinking cold water immediately before a meal.
For Dr. Lucia John, a major reason why we should ditch cold water for tepid or warm one is its effect on the heart.

According to the healthy living expert, the heart labours more to restore blood circulation when we drink cold water that is not compatible with the body’s temperature.

She says, “When we drink cold water, juice, or any cold fluids, we create the basis for chronic heart diseases. Cold water has a clotting effect on the blood and other fluids in the body making it difficult for it to circulate.
“A body that cannot circulate its blood is like an uninviting swimming pool in which moss and bacteria grow. The blood may be thick, unable to flow properly to the extremities of the body ,the hands and feet begin to feel numb and hurt, the toes begin to hurt, and the toenails lose their shine and may begin to decay.

The heart labours to pump the blood throughout the body, and the lungs fight to keep up. The legs may swell and become dark, when blood cannot efficiently pump back up to the heart.
“When the blood is free from toxins and flowing freely and properly, we can then liken the blood to an inviting swimming pool, clear and clean. It generates happiness and perfect health, energy and creativity. This individual contributes maximum to the health and wellbeing of others in an innocent, natural way.”

Scientists have also solved the mystery behind the instantaneous headache brought on by a sip of an ice-cold drink.
According to the neurologists who analysed the result of a study, which involved 5,000 participants over a period of five years, cold
water is not friendly to some sections of the brain.

The researchers found that sipping it causes an abrupt increase in blood flow to a major artery in the brain that is then followed by the familiar headache-like. The experts warn that over time this effect may shrink some receptors in the brain.
Knowing all this, we have a responsibility to put into our bodies, only drinks and foods that will enhance its proper functioning.
Akinsanya gives a final advice on the need to take regularly water at a normal temperature.
“The brain is fairly sensitive to temperature change, that is why it freezes when you drink cold water at first. This continuous seizure
is not good for it.

The brain is one of the relatively important organs in the body, and it needs to be working all the time. We should avoid anything that
will make it freeze,” he adds.
To know the right temperature of water to drink, Akinsanya says, “Put one finger in your mouth and close it. The temperature of what you feel is the temperature of water or food that you eat most times. That is what the body is used to and that is what you
should give it.”

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