Wednesday, 4 March 2015

How To Be A Good Kisser - Omalicha Nwa

Are you guys surprised by this topic? Why? No be all of una sabi kiss's nothing to be embarrassed about some people are just better
at kissing than others just as some are better in bed than others. I have met a few ladies who say they can't marry a bad kisser. They say
everything starts from 'the kiss'. By his kiss you can tell how he will be in the sack. I guess the same thing applies to the ladies.

Kissing ignites passion, it promotes intimacy, it speaks a thousand things that you have on your mind but can't seem to get into words.

There are sloppy kissers- those who drool and spit all over your face while kissing....nyamah, there are also the biters- dem go nearly chop your lips commot while trying to nibble on them. Then there are the ones that all they want to do is just shove their tongue down your throat, they literally try to swallow your mouth.....Hian!! All on top kiss. While there are those who just don't like kissing at all.

If you fall in the category of a bad kisser (go on, admit it- at least to yourself even if you won't tell us here) I came across some tips on tweeking your kissing skills to top notch....hehehehe. Here's what I found on

Before going straight to the point of this article, you have to remember you can not just run into someone and start kissing them.
Well unless they have been your partner for a long time. You have to initiate a kiss. You can do this with eye contact, lip bitting, and glancing at the other person’s lips in a sexy way.

Now after giving them hints and them noticing you want a kiss, then you can go ahead with the below tips on how to kiss!

1. As a guy, lean in for the kiss; go for the lower lips because its sweeter now lock your upper lips and lower lips with her lower lips or lock both of your lips with her lips in between. Let it feel like you are about to suck on those lips As a girl, if you made the first move, grab whatever lips you love and then lock them also. Now notice when he locks both of his lips against yours and you lock both of yours against his, it’ll feel like you’re in a different world! Now its time to get intimate.

2. Play around with your tongue. This is optional as not everyone is into this. How do you know if you he/she is into this? Run the tip of your tongue with your partner lips, if he/she responds, then she’s into it. If they close their lips as if they don’t want your tongue in them, then go ahead and try other
methods below!

3. Use your hands! They are there for a purpose. As a guy, grab that booty, as a girl you can wrap your hands around his neck or place both palms on his face (be discrete because some people don’t like when you touch their face). Look at the picture below

Don’t go from 0 to 100 real quick. You want to go slowly and intimately. Don’t rush!

Always compliment the person you’re kissing before even starting. Make them feel flattered after the date. Touch them, hold hands, do whatever to feel comfortable. Look them in the eyes..deep like you’re looking at a box of pizza you’re about to eat.

Lean in for the kiss… slowly slowly grab a lip from your partner that you will definitely play with in between your own lips..After like 2-3 seconds, pause…take your lips away not too far way just a couple inches, and then continue.. let them feel like you’re into it. Avoid Smacking sounds. They can be extremely awkward!. To lessen the noise, try slowing down and relaxing your lips.

If this is going to be your first kiss, be prepared for either disappointment or compliment. It is normal for first kisses to be awkward.. you will definitely learn to be a better kisser with practice.

As a guy, feel free to run your hands through your partners hair. Girls love this!! You don’t have to take the lead if you don’t want to. Do whatever makes you comfortable, and if that means letting your partner lead, that’s totally fine.
Go out there and enjoy exercising your lips.

My own pointer- A good breathe won't go amiss in making the kissing more enjoyable and even longer. Imagine kissing someone who has bad breathe.....grossssssss! Now let's talk about early morning kissing. Who's into it and who's not? Some people are totally
grossed out by their partner's morning breathe they can only manage an early morning peck.
One tip- get them to brush their teeth last thing at night and you should do the same. Sipping on some water right after you wake up
also helps. But then you know sometimes you love a person so much you couldn't give a rats
ass if their mouth smelled like a LAWMA truck. Who can relate?

So now tell us, are you a good kisser or a bad kisser. Some people probably don't know as their partners have never mentioned it. Well
you should ask them and try not to take offence if you get a negative response. You should rather focus on improving your kissing skills.

On a side note. Don't you just love that Usher's song 'Good kisser'. Absolutely love it. I have it on repeat in my car right now. If you haven't seen the video, check it out in my music box.

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