Showing posts with label WURAOLAFOUNDATION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WURAOLAFOUNDATION. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 November 2014


Good day MIK blog readers. Welcome to another interview session with your host, Raj. This time around, I decide to bring to you, Miss Olaiya Wuraola Gold. She is from kogi state, ijumu local government area. A 300 level student of kogi state university department of mass comm. She was miss Kogi 2012/2013, Face of confluence 2013 till date, she is currently the vice president of the department of mass comm. 2014/2015 and the C.E.O WURAOLAGOLD FOUNDATION
Below are excerpts of the interview i had with her.

 Nice having you here.

Miss WuraOla GOLD: thanks, its my pleasure

So tell us, what is your NGO about

Miss WuraOla GOLD: My NGO (WURAOLAGOLD FOUNDATION) is all about putting smiles into the faces of the less privilege basically the orphans and widows in our society

If you could be great at one thing, what would it be and why?
Miss WuraOla GOLD: A philanthropist. And reason is I love mankind (humanity first)

 “What’s more important, inner beauty or outer beauty? And why?
Miss WuraOla GOLD: Inner beauty. Inner beauty is more important because it portrays who you are, your character and that is what I call beauty.

 What do you have to say about indecent dressing by our young girls of today in the name of fashion
Miss WuraOla GOLD: Well, our world of fashion today has takrn a new shape, girls now go on streets half naked even on campus. Most of them were not brought up that way or trained to dress that way from home, but due to peer groups, wrong association, their dress sense changed. And I must say indecent dressing is an effect of western civilization. My words of advice to them is lets try our best as ladies to cover the sensitive part of our body properly before stepping out of our rooms, because the way we dress determines the way we are addressed.

 In your view, what is the biggest problem facing our educational system today?
Miss WuraOla GOLD:
1.       Lack of man power i.e qualified teachers
2.       student are not willing to read
3.       Corrupt practices among lecturers
4.       Lack of government not financing educational projects
5.       Inadequate structures

 What are your views about the political crisis and boko haram issues in Nigeria?
Miss WuraOla GOLD: Citizens should be senticized by NOA (National Orientation Agency) on electoral guidelines and the danger of electoral malpractices. Secondly, on boko haram issues in Nigeria, I believe terrorism (boko haram) is a global phenomenon i.e every country at a time must experience terrorism. Its how the country can it that matters. Therefore before the advent of boko haram in Nigeria, the act of terrorism has been in existence. A good example of this is the militancy in niger delta

 Name one living person that inspires you
Miss WuraOla GOLD: Oprah Winfrey. She grew up in poverty, was raped at age 9 and 13, ran away from home and gave birth at 14 to a son who died soon after, but still went on to become the World's 1st Arican American Billionare

 When have you been very proud of yourself in your life?
Miss WuraOla GOLD: When I launched my foundation in oct 1st2013. Its not as if I have never been proud of my self, but this particular achievement come as a result of dream come true.

 What does a woman of substance mean to you?
Miss WuraOla GOLD: A woman of substance is a woman with a difference, a virtuous woman, a woman with inner beauty (good character) and a leader.

 Do you think in years to come, a woman will be President of this great Nation Nigeria?
Miss WuraOla GOLD: YES. Because the role of women in Nigeria politics can never be underestimated and am happy our women are rising up. So we are getting there *smiles*

 Okk, now tell us about your likes and hates
Miss WuraOla GOLD: Yeah, I like meeting friends, traveling, swimming, honesty and every other good things you can imagine. My dislikes are pride, dishonesty.

 What do u have passion in doing?
Miss WuraOla GOLD: I have passion in reaching out to the less previledge. It gives me joy and make me a fulfilled human being.

 What quality do you want in a man you can settle down with?
Miss WuraOla GOLD: Well, my kind of man is a God fearing man, caring, loving, tall, cute and a man that is fun to be with.

 Tell us random things we don't know about you
Miss WuraOla GOLD: Lol. My favourite meal is ijebu garri and I crush on tall cute guys. *smiles*

 Any advice to the youths out there
Miss WuraOla GOLD: My advice to the youths out there is lets be deligent in whatever we are doing cause we are leaders of tomorrow

thanks for your time Miss Wuraola, we wish you goodluck in all your endeavors  
Send a shout out to your love ones

Thanks, my shout out goes to my family and friends out there, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH


Mobile:   +234 80 7679 5008   ||   +234 70 3220 0690   ||   +234 80 6273 1713

Twitter:   @WuraolaGoldFoundation
Facebook:   Wuraola Gold Foundation

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